Tuesday, February 26, 2013

today i'm voting for archive stories

As someone who is adopted, genealogy has never interested me.  Frankly, I've just never really understood the strong heritage identifications most Americans seem to have (and flaunt).  Which is why I will probably never end up using my MLIS to be an archivist.  However, I do love history.  I love old things - old people, old buildings, old shoes, etc.  There's just a sense of strength about things that stand the test of time, and something remarkable about the stories they then carry them. Which is also why I will probably not remain living in America -  I need ancient items around me.

But I digress - today I read the top 3 entries for the Ohio Historical Society's "Found it in the Archives" contest.  The contest occurs every year, and always provides some interesting journeys of Ohioans who have woven together stories of past - all because of the preservation efforts of the OHS and its archives.  It is a good example of why preservationists are important.  

And this is the story I voted for, about a vanished Toledo firefighter :  I Found it in the Archives: Doug Tracy