Sunday, July 11, 2010

my peace. warning: this contains sports

to preface, if it were any other player, it wouldn't matter. professional basketball players are in the business of winning and they have every right to make decisions, which are selfish in nature and commonly so, that advance their career in this manner.  D Wade made the decision to go to Miami and nobody cried out.  Kobe decided to play for LA and nobody burned his jersey.  No. Of course not-that behavior is normal, a total part of it, and completely acceptable.

so to get to my peace. my irk. my thing is you did it wrong son. and some may argue this is why you shouldn't be allowed to enter the NBA so young.  LeBron was an idyllic teenager when he entered the NBA.  straight outta Akron and much more down to earth than you could ever glimpse now.  he named himself the savior of cleveland. he made himself king of the city he loved by dedicating himself to the cause of resurrecting it.  he of all people knows how crazy ohio people are, and he took on that burden.  straight burden.  

it's a hard thing to do, i'm not saying it's not.  but he took it on--he could have gone anywhere at 18 but he didn't. and what ended up happening is that Bron wasn't as good as he and his supporters wanted him to be.  he's one of the greatest players ever, but he couldn't carry the team, the city, the championship by himself. he needed help, and when he couldn't pull the names he would need to do so, the frustration overwhelmed, and he gave up.  the task proved to be much more daunting and less fulfilling than Bron really wanted.  and i understand that, but then again i don't.  Bron knew knew everything involved, and he's now making selfish decisions that he had the opportunity to make long ago.

why i say it's wrong.  first, it took Jordan 6 years to get Chicago a win-and that's Jordan, only after he got Scottie.  7 years is a decent dedication, but not enough. just not enough--i mean have you seen Cleveland? hung out there for even a 15 min span?  secondly, if you're gonna drop the city, leaving it to fail, as it will eventually do, at least do it with definition and some kind of professionalism. playing the game of "hey public, what am I going to decide?" does nothing but build up the drama that is going to undoubtedly follow.  much more drama than is ever necessary.  because as i said, this is normal and completely acceptable...that is if you're not LeBron James.  

But hey, you're the one who did it wrong.  you made that bed. in the end Bron, you just failed.  

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